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Friday, April 1, 2011

Quote of the Day April 1/11

I spent most of today with about 3495 other women and 4 men (can you imagine the pain these poor fellows must have been in??).  Wait a just a second - now that I think about it, I'm guessing those 4 guys had tickets to the Jays Home Opener tonight and found that being at this "Power of Women" conference was a cheap way to score a really good parking space, con their wife into going to the game (conveniently next door), getting to have a hot dog and beer for supper, and, in a major feat of prestidigitation, appear genuinely sensitive to the issues that professional women face on a daily basis.  Those 4 guys ROCK!!!

This was one of those days that holds out tremendous promise that teetered on the brink of disaster when we discovered that there were no muffins.  Being the perpetual risk manager that I am, I had my breakfast with me and, not finding any equitable way to divide one orange into 3500 parts, I confess that I ate the whole thing.

What does all this have to do with today's quote you ask?  Drum rrrrrrroll please - the last speaker of the day actually spoke the quote.  She was Sigourney Weaver.  Yes - to answer your question - she is very, very tall.  She is also 61, naturally beautiful and elegant and confident and well read and well informed and a poised speaker.  After she spoke, she said that there are a few questions that she is regularly asked.  One of these questions is "what should my son/daughter do to get into acting".  Her answer is the quote of the day:

"Your child should take the time to get the best education possible, preferably in English or History. They will then be able to read well, to research, to write and will be taken seriously."
For those of you who mock my insatiable love of both literature and history - you know who you are :-) - I will happily share my library.  If you know of any adolescents seeking fame, share the quote and tell them it came from Dr. Grace Augustine.  If you don't know who that is, you should have tagged along for March Movie Madness!

1 comment:

  1. You lucky duck! I would have killed to be there - LOL!

    Nice post!
