I hope that many of you are fortunate enough to have daughters. I have 2 beautiful daughters who are now young women well on their way to being accomplished adults. And that makes me very proud, but that is not the best part...
The best part is that they know right from wrong, speak wisely, listen carefully, and care about others. Both of them are taking the advice of Henry David Thoreau and are going boldly in the direction of their dreams. They are at that crucial stage of life where they have some options and are now choosing between an easy, obvious road and a road less travelled and each of them is giving thoughtful consideration to the choices. At the end of every day, I thank God for each of them.
When the girls were quite little, their father moved away. It was heartbreaking. But together we overcame that obstacle and have continued on a remarkable journey of learning to face challenges and to never, ever let others make us feel badly about ourselves. There is a certain kind of empowerment that they have that is inspiring.
We are approaching that golden phase where we will be mainly the best of friends, leaning on each other for support...before our roles eventually reverse and they start to provide me with care. Right now, they are sensitive and supportive and fun and fabulous!!
"Raise up a child in the way she should go and when she is old, even when she is old, she will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6
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